
Notes for hackers

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


notes is a command line program that provides quick access, editing capability, and search functionality to all notes under a directory of your choosing. Under your notes directory, you can organize your notes into any folder structure you like.

The default extension for notes is .md. The extension is not part of notes' syntax. notes supports tab completion and wildcard matching from any directory: the * wildcard is replaced by @.


  • Fast, natural syntax for manipulating notes from any directory
  • Quickly find notes using tab completion
  • Pass a note to any program, match notes using globbing patterns
  • Use any directory structure to organize notes




brew tap kylebebak/tap
brew install notes

# upgrade
brew upgrade notes

Other systems

Clone this repo, or download and unzip the tarball. Either add the bin directory to your $PATH, or create a symlink in your $PATH that points to the notes executable in the bin directory.

If you execute notes via symlink, make sure that the name of the target file (the symlink) is also notes. Otherwise, tab completions won't work.

Tab completion (bash and zsh)

To make notes truly sweet, insert the following into your shell startup file (e.g. .bash_profile):
which notes >/dev/null && . "$( notes -i )"

Notes directory

The first time you run notes, you will be prompted to choose your notes directory. You need to use the absolute path to an existing directory. If you ever want to change it, run notes -d <directory>.

Config (~/.notesrc)

The default extension for notes is .md, because markdown is great. If you want to change it, edit the _ext variable in $HOME/.notesrc.

If you want to change your notes directory, you can edit the _dir variable in the file, or you can run notes -d.

If you want to print your current config execute notes -c.



zero arguments          :                           list all notes
one argument            <note_or_dir>:              open this note, or list all notes under this directory
two arguments           <program> <note_or_dir>:    pass note or directory as argument to program
two arguments           <program> <glob_pattern>:   pass all matched notes as arguments to program, replace * with @
g.t. two arguments      <program> <notes>:          pass notes as arguments to program


[ -n NEW_NOTE ]                                     create and open a note
[ -N NEW_DIR ]                                      create a directory
[ -r NOTE ]                                         remove (delete) a note
[ -R DIR ]                                          remove (delete) a directory
[ -m NOTE NEW_NOTE ]                                move a note (change its name)
[ -f PATTERN ]                                      find notes: search for all notes matching pattern
[ -p NOTE ]                                         print contents of note
[ -P NOTE_OR_DIR ]                                  print absolute path to note or directory
[ -d DIR ]                                          set notes directory (absolute path to existing directory)

Execute notes -h to get help and see more options, and notes -v to print the current version.


This code is licensed under the MIT License.