
Web development example for filtering non-profit organizations from IRS data.

Primary LanguagePHP


Web development example for filtering non-profit organizations from IRS data.


Included below is a brief overview of the project structure and workflow.


This web application features two views:

The first page allows text/plain files to be uploaded via a form. File validation is performed on the client-side via HTML5 input type='text/plain', as well as on the server-side via PHP.

The second page displays data in the view, and provides various sorting and filtering options.

The directory tree of the project is outlined below with comments.

-- contains core application files
- app
      -- application assets - php class files, views, javascripts, and stylesheets
      - assets
            - css
            - data
            - js
            - php
      -- helper files for processing files and server-side logic
      - helpers
      -- views for displaying data
      - views
-- contains database schema file for creating the database
- db
      -- database build queries in mysql
      - sql
-- index
-- readme


  1. The uploaded file is sent to the server via a post request, and processed via a helper in app/helpers/processFile.php. The uploaded file is checked for validation. The file is read into the table via the LOAD DATA INFILE SQL query.

  2. Once the upload is complete, the helper file app/helpers/processFile.php redirects to a view app/views/display.php to display the data. This view features various sorting and filtering operations on the data.

  3. Filtering and sorting is performed asynchronously via XMLHTTP requests in app/assets/js/actions.js. This file sends GET requests to a PHP helper app/helpers/actions.php which performs various queries on the database. The data is returned to be displayed on the view.


  • PHP 5.6
  • MySQL


This project uses an open-source PHP/MySQL PDO connection class, available here.

Debugging / Testing

Debugging and testing was performed via XAMPP.