
Learning Playwright approaches

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What is Playwright?

The playwright is a Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web testing.

Playwright by Microsoft did start as a fork of Puppeteer Puppeteer is a node library to automate the chromium browsers with the JavaScript API


  • It spans multiple pages, domains, and iframes
  • Intercept network activity for stubbing and mocking network requests
  • Emulate mobile devices, geolocation, permissions
  • Native input events for mouse and keyboard
  • Upload & download support

Playwright enables fast, reliable, and capable automation across all modern browsers

Support for all browsers

  • Test on Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit
  • Test for mobile (device emulation)
  • Headless and headful

Fast and reliable execution

  • Auto-wait APIs (clicks, types, etc)
  • Timeout-free automation
  • Lean parallelization with browser contexts
  • Wide variety of selectors (locators) & shadow-dom support
  • Can handle single page application

Youtube Tutorial

  • Please follow the sequence to enhance your learning!

What is Playwright? | Playwright with Typescript & Jest - Part 1

Playwright Jest Config & Launch Browser | Playwright - Part 2

First Script - Auto Waits | Playwright - Part 3

Codeless Automation With PlayWright | Playwright - Part 4

Save Test Execution In Video | Playwright - Part 5

How to upload files | Playwright - Part 6

Handling different types of inputs | Playwright - Part 7

Handling different types of alerts | Playwright - Part 8

Handling Select/DropDown | Playwright - Part 9

Window Handling | Playwright - Part 10

Frames | Playwright - Part 11

Find Multiple Elements - part 12

How To Take Screenshot - part 13

How To Run In Local Browser | Playwright - Part 14

Drag and Drop | Playwright - Part 15

Page Object Model | Playwright - Part 16

POM Enhancement & JSON | Playwright - Part 17

POM Enhancement & JSON | Playwright - Part 18

Jest Allure Report | Playwright - Part 19

Jest Allure Report | Playwright - Part 20

Skip on failure | Playwright - Part 21

Playwright Test Runner | Playwright - Part 22

Playwright Test Runner | Commands | Playwright Tutorial - Part 23

Screenshot & Video On Test Failure | Playwright Tutorial - Part 24

Test Group & Hooks | Playwright Tutorial - Part 25

Playwright Test Runner Group Disadvantage | Playwright tutorial - Part 26

How To Handle Shadow DOM | Playwright tutorial - Part 27

Playwright Visual Comparisons | Playwright part - 28

Playwright Relative Locator | Playwright - part 29

Playwright Github Action | Playwright - part 30

Playwright Skip Login | Playwright Tutorial part - 31

HTTP Authentication | Playwright Tutorial - part 32

Playwright Trace Viewer | Playwright Tutorial - part 33

Playwright Fixtures | Playwright Tutorial - part 34

Playwright Fixtures 2| Playwright Tutorial - part 35

Playwright UI Verifications | Playwright Tutorial - part 36

What's new in Playwright? | Playwright Tutorial - Part 37

Playwright Allure Report | Playwright Tutorial - Part 38

Playwright Base URL | Playwright Tutorial - Part 39

Tags in Test | Playwright Tutorial - Part 40

Calculate Youtube Playlist Duration | Web Scraping | Playwright Tutorial - Part 41

How To Debug Playwright In VsCode | Playwright Tutorial - Part 42

Test Annotations | Playwright Tutorial - Part 43

How To Wait For API Response | Playwright Tutorial - Part 44

Playwright Version 1.14 | Playwright Tutorial - Part 45

Playwright Test Runner Skip on Failure | Playwright Tutorial - Part 46

Element Handle VS Locator API | Playwright Tutorial - Part 47

InnerHTML vs InnerText vs TextContent | Playwright Tutorial - Part 48

Playwright Android Automation | Playwright Tutorial Part - 49

Web Scrapping Using Playwright | Github Copilot | Playwright Tutorial Part 50

Winston Logger | Playwright Tutorial Part 51

Playwright Logger | Read console logs | Playwright Tutorial - Part 52

Playwright locator API In Detail | Playwright Tutorial - Part 53

Playwright Explicit wait| Playwright Tutorial Part 54

Playwright Custom Report | Playwright Tutorial Part 55

Get Started With Playwright Framework | Playwright Tutorial Part 56

Parallel Tests - Mouse Wheel Control | Playwright Tutorial Part 57

Access Clipboard URL and Open in New Tab | Playwright Tutorial Part 58

Network - Abort Request | Playwright Tutorial Part 59

Click & Hold | Playwright Tutorial Part 60

Playwright API Testing | Playwright Tutorial Part 61

See the moves - Slider | Playwright Tutorial Part 62

Zip Report | Global TearDown | Playwright Tutorial Part 63

New Frame Locator Functions | Playwright Tutorial Part 64

How To Get CSS Value | Playwright Tutorial Part 65 A Tesseract JS | Extract Text From Image | Playwright Tutorial Part 66

Playwright is a game changer | Playwright Tutorial part - 67

How to download file & attach to report | Playwright Tutorial part - 68

Locator - Has & Has Text | Playwright Tutorial part - 69

Playwright Hard & Soft Assert, Highlight Locators | Playwright tutorial - part 70

POM Clean Code | Playwright Tutorial part 71

Maximize Window | Playwright Tutorial - Part 72

Playwright Installation - 2022

How To Test Mobile & Desktop Browser? Playwright tutorial - Part 73

Playwright + Azure Pipeline | Playwright Tutorial - Part 74

Parametrize Tests | Playwright Tutorial - Part 75