Waitstaff Calculator


new meal

  • The user enters details for a new meal in the "Enter the Meal Details" panel. When they click submit, the app validates that the value in each field is numeric. If the form is valid, the "Customer Charges" panel and data model for the My Earnings view should update accordingly.
  • In the "Customer Charges" panel, Subtotal is the value of the base meal price plus tax. Tip is the dollar value of the tip, given the subtotal and tip percentage. Total is equal to subtotal plus tip.
  • If the user clicks cancel, the form should be reset to its initial state.

earnings view


  • If users try to visit any routes other than the three that have been explicitly defined, they should be redirected to the index of the site.
  • Be sure to use Git and Github for this assignment. You'll be adding another feature to this app in the final assignment for this lesson, so it's important you save your work as you go.
  • Your app need not be a pixel perfect rendition of these sketches. As long as your app provides the functionality indicated above, you're free to style the app as you please.
  • When you've completed this assignment, be sure to share a link to your work with your mentor. You should provide a link to the source code and a gh-pages web page.