
This is a very basic todo app to practise testing and creating Angular apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To Do App

This was an initial foray into using and testing Angular. It is a very, very basic app that allows users to add and delete items from a todo list.


  • Fork the repo
  • Run npm install You may need to change the app name in bower.json and package.json


This app uses Protractor for end-to-end testing and Karma for unit testing.

You must have http-server and webdriver-manager running for the tests to execute. Open individual terminal tabs and run http-server and webdriver-manager start in each from the /app directory.

To run the unit tests, use:

karma start test/karma.conf.js

To run the e2e tests, use:

protractor test/protractor.conf.js


To use the app, either open /app/index.html in a browser or run http-server from the /app directory and use localhost:8080.