Parallel C/Python package for numerical analysis of PAW DFT wavefunctions
- alejandrogalloTechnical University of Vienna
- aronwalsh@WMD-group
- bailinyu
- Bit-Part-YoungSJTU
- cationly
- Chengcheng-XiaoImperial College London
- chrinide
- cuanto
- Evan1415London, United Kingdom
- fazhiyang
- frsspSamsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- IonizingMars
- Isabelle778Universidade Estadual de Maringá
- JaGeoFederal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
- jkshenton
- jmmshnMicrosoft Quantum
- mkhorton@MicrosoftResearch
- mturianskyUS Naval Research Laboratory
- oashourUC Berkeley
- shaoxc
- smheidrichGermany
- stepan-tsirkinMaterials Physics Center
- suan12
- ttadanoNational Institute for Materials Science
- utf@virtualatoms
- vitalyanich
- weixie4Shanghai University
- xw-w
- yanhejinUniversity of Macau
- yonghao-zhu
- YunxingZuo