Interpreter for the pseudocode used in American Computer Science League competitions in contest 1.
These are the full capabilities of the language as defined by the ACSL wiki
Construct | Code Segment |
Operators | ! (not), ^ or ↑(exponent), *, / (real division), % (modulus), +, -, >, <, >=, <=, !=, ==, && (and), || (or) in that order of precedence |
Functions | abs(x) - absolute value, sqrt(x) - square root, int(x) - greatest integer <= x |
Variables | Start with a letter, only letters and digits |
Sequential statements | INPUT variablevariable = expression (assignment) OUTPUT variable |
Decision statements | IF boolean expression THEN Statement(s) ELSE (optional)Statement(s) END IF |
Indefinite Loop statements | WHILE boolean expression Statement(s) END WHILE |
Definite Loop statements | FOR variable = start TO end STEP increment Statement(s) NEXT |
Arrays: | 1 dimensional arrays use a single subscript such as A(5). 2 dimensional arrays use (row, col) order such as A(2,3). Arrays can start at location 0 for 1 dimensional arrays and location (0,0) for 2 dimensional arrays. Most ACSL past problems start with either A(1) or A(1,1). The size of the array will usually be specified in the problem statement. |
Strings: | Basically python strings |
And here's more features found in practice problems that they failed to mention in their wiki:
Construct | Code Segment |
Alternate Decision Statement Syntax | IF expression THEN Statement ELSE Statement (one line) |
Program Early Termination | END |
input H, R
B = 0
if H>48 then
B = B + (H - 48) * 2 * R
H = 48
end if
if H>40 then
B = B + (H - 40) * (3/2) * R
H = 40
end if
B = B + H * R
output B
NUM = 0: T = ""
for J = len(A) - 1 to 0 step -1
T = T + A[j]
for J = 0 to len(A) - 1
if A[J] == T[J] then NUM = NUM + 1
A(0) = 12: A(1) = 41: A(2) = 52
A(3) = 57: A(4) = 77: A(5) = -100
B(0) = 17: B(1) = 34: B(20) = 81
J = 0: K = 0: N = 0
while A(J) > 0
while B(K) <= A(J)
C(N) = B(K)
N = N + 1
k = k + 1
end while
C(N) = A(J): N = N + 1: J = J + 1
end while
C(N) = B(K)