
A python based wrapper around GitPython

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Status

Python wrapper around GitPython


  • TODO


This library only supports python 3. Some features may still work with python 2.7 but not all of the syntax and features may be compatible.


There are several dependencies needed to build and work on git_wrapper. Using your distribution's package manager, install these system packages:


git_wrapper uses the upcoming standard of Pipfiles via pipenv. This is integrated into our Makefile and once you have the above dependencies, you can simply run:

make dev

This will install our dev environment for the package via pipenv. It is installed with --user, so it does not affect your site-packages. Pipenv creates a unique virtualenv for us, which you can activate via:

pipenv shell

See the pipenv documentation for more detail.


To build the documentation on your checkout, simply run:

make docs

We plan to get this published in the near future, and this README will be updated when that happens.


All new code should include tests that excercise the code and prove that it works, or fixes the bug you are trying to fix. Any Pull Request without tests will not be accepted.

Pushing a new release

  1. Prepare a patch to update the version number (example)

    You may want to check the HISTORY.rst file renders correctly before committing, as the twine upload will fail later if it doesn't:

    $ tox -etwine
  2. Once that's merged, tag that patch and push the new tag to the repo

  3. Run the following commands:

    $ rm dist/*
    $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
    $ twine upload --verbose dist/*

(You need to have a PyPI account with the right permissions for that last step.)


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.