
Experimental image processing library in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

This is a scratch pad for a JavaScript library (written in CoffeeScript) for processing images. Adjustments are applied to <img> tags by replacing the image with a <canvas>.


Assuming your markup contains <img id="image" src="boat.png"> you could do something like this:

image = new img.Image( document.getElementById('image') );

Creating actions

Create a custom action by subclassing img.actions.Action and overriding either the adjustPixel or apply methods.

Adjusting a single pixel

Overwrite adjustPixel if your algorithm simply applies a calculation to a single pixel (for example, greyscale):

class Greyscale extends img.actions.Action

  # Parameters: the red, green, blue, and alpha values of the source pixel.
  # Returns: the new (adjusted) values for the pixel.
  applyToPixel: (r, g, b, a) ->
    v = r*0.3 + g*0.59 + b*0.11
    [v, v, v, 255]

Complex actions

If your action cannot be applied per-pixel (for example, the new value for a pixel depends on the values of its neighbouring pixels) you can override the apply method to process the image data however you want:

class Mosaic extends img.actions.Action

  # Parameter: the ImageData of the source image (array of pixel values).
  # Returns: the new (adjusted) array of pixel values.
  apply: (imageData) =>
    # Your crazy processing goes here...
    return imageData

The code is mostly experimental, but you might find some useful utilities hidden inside. Feel free to fork & add new stuff, or to repurpose however you see fit.