
Basic docker image that runs an nslookup every 30 seconds to ensure DNS is functioning correctly, otherwise outputs an error to stdout.

Primary LanguageShell


Docker Repository on Quay

Basic docker image that runs an host lookup against the kube-dns service running in the kube-system namespace every 30 seconds to ensure DNS is functioning correctly, otherwise outputs an error to stdout.


Run it as a daemonset in the kube-system namespace.

kubectl create -f ./kube-dns-monitoring-ds.yaml


  1. Check the pod for # of restarts (EX: kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep kube-dns-monitoring)
  2. Use your favorite log aggregator (Splunk/LogDNA/Papertrail) to setup alerts on the output from the script

Sample outputs:

DNS Okay:

1518716342 - Thu Feb 15 17:39:02 UTC 2018 - OK: DNS working as expected.

DNS Not Okay:

1518716173 - Thu Feb 15 17:36:13 UTC 2018 - ERROR: DNS Lookup for kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local failed.