Coverage Status

Prover Integration Test Status

Pi Circuit aggregation eth_transfer Pi Circuit aggregation native_withdraw Super Circuit aggregation eth_transfer Super Circuit aggregation native_withdraw Super Circuit aggregation worst_case_mload Super Circuit aggregation worst_case_smod Super Circuit aggregation worst_case_keccak_0_32


Path Description
coordinator/ coordinator daemon
contracts/ l1/l2 bridge contracts
docker/ dockerfiles for various purposes
scripts/ helpful scripts


cp .env.example .env and edit the values. The account you specify in that file will be the miner of the clique network and will have ETH allocated in the genesis block.

If you make changes to the genesis file, then you have to delete the existing chain via docker compose down --volumes - this will delete any volumes associated with this setup. Use DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose up to start the chain.

You can use ./scripts/ to start a local dev environment without the coordinator-service that drops you into a shell. Useful if you want to work on the coordinator/ daemon.

Developer workflows

Testing the coordinator & prover with cargo test

Enter the developer service via ./scripts/ Inside that shell you can use this wrapper script to build & start the prover_rpcd in the background and invoke cargo test -- eth_transfer:

./scripts/ eth_transfer

The output of the prover damon will be piped to PROVER_LOG.txt. If you need fixtures for the L2 block with number 1, then use ./scripts/ $COORDINATOR_L2_RPC_URL 1 to retrieve it for you.