
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Gatsby powered informational website and exhibition platform for a\terHEN

To Do:

  • build homepage CMS

Built with Gatsby + Netlify CMS Starter


  • A simple landing page with blog functionality built with Netlify CMS
  • Editable Pages: Landing, About, Product, Artist-Collection and Contact page with Netlify Form support
  • Create Artist posts from Netlify CMS
  • Tags: Separate page for posts under each tag
  • Basic directory organization
  • Uses Bulma for styling, but size is reduced by purge-css-plugin
  • Blazing fast loading times thanks to pre-rendered HTML and automatic chunk loading of JS files
  • Separate components for everything
  • Netlify deploy configuration
  • Netlify function support, see lambda folder
  • Perfect score on Lighthouse for SEO, Accessibility and Performance (wip:PWA)
  • ..and more


Access Locally

Pulldown a local copy of the Github repo

$ git clone https://github.com/[GITHUB_USERNAME]/[REPO_NAME].git
$ cd [REPO_NAME]
$ yarn
$ netlify dev # or ntl dev

This uses the new Netlify Dev CLI feature to serve any functions you have in the lambda folder.

To test the CMS locally, you'll need to run a production build of the site:

$ npm run build
$ netlify dev # or ntl dev

Media Libraries

The site uploads run to uploadcare, but it also accepts url inputs, including ipfs gateways.

Runs Uploadcare's Adaptive Resizing


Windows users might encounter node-gyp errors when trying to npm install. To resolve, make sure that you have both Python 2.7 and the Visual C++ build environment installed.

npm config set python python2.7
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

Full details here

MacOS users might also encounter some errors, for more info check node-gyp. We recommend using the latest stable node version.


This plugin uses gatsby-plugin-purgecss and bulma. The bulma builds are usually ~170K but reduced 90% by purgecss.