
A little script to quickly create components and modules.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple script to generate new components and modules from a template you create.


Note: Requires Node 12.10 or greater (just really wanted an easy recursive rmdir).

npm install --save-dev baguetter


Add the following to your scripts in package.json:

"baguette": "baguette"

Run npm run baguette -- [template] [name] [dest] to generate new modules from templates you create!

…but you'll need to create those templates first 👇

Creating templates (a.k.a baguettes)

Create a folder in the root of your project called baguettes. Inside this folder, create a new folder for each type of template you want. For example, if you are going to have Node and React templates:

├── config.json
├── node
│   ├── baguette.js
│   ├── baguette.test.js
│   └── index.js
└── react
    ├── Baguette.jsx
    ├── Baguette.md
    ├── Baguette.module.scss
    ├── Baguette.stories.js
    ├── Baguette.test.js
    └── index.js

Inside these files, you can write whatever template you want, just write "Baguette" or "baguette" wherever you'd like to replace it with your new component or module name. You can have as many or as few files as you want.

An example of the inside of Baguette.jsx might be:

import React from "react";
import styles from "./Baguette.module.scss";

function Baguette(props) {
	return <div />;

export default Baguette;


To choose where your files end up, you can pass in --dest=path/to/output on the command line, or you can place a config.json file in your baguettes folder. This is a simple object with the keys being the template names (e.g. react or node in our earlier example), and the values being the path to the output. See this example:

  "react": "src/components",
  "node": "src/server"


Sometimes you don't want to include the enclosing folder when creating a component or module. You can set the includeFolder option (defaults to true) either via the config.json (see example below) or by adding the flag --includeFolder=true on the command line.

  "react": {
    "dest": "src/components",
    "includeFolder": false
  "node": "src/server"

Even if you have a config set, you can always override it by passing in the flags on the command line.


Now that you have some templates created, run your script again:

npm run baguette -- react HelloWorld

Or using named arguments:

npm run baguette -- --template=react --name=HelloWorld --dest=path/to/output