Curious and innovative technologist, father, and Christ follower.
Stealth StartupEastvale, CA
kylehayes's Following
- addyosmaniGoogle
- AshesOfOwlsPortland, Oregon
- bterlson@Microsoft
- chrisvfritzDurham, NC, USA
- dcandela
- dkulpFramingham, MA
- fluttercommunityLondon
- jolexxa@VGVentures
- kwiersmaMinnesota
- KyleKeaneBoston, MA
- localizely
- maestrofjpLong Beach, CA
- mccoy85
- mpwoodwardUS Senate Sergeant at Arms
- nonkenAsymmetric, Former AWS, Cloud9
- phiggins42Omnipresent
- pixelistin the sunshine.
- quantumtomSocktan Digital
- rfshelley79
- stackcache
- tlberglundConfluent
- uhopPlano, TX
- utamori
- wdasIn the hearts and minds of children everywhere.
- wolframkriesingMunich