Arbitrary Importer Homework

Hi! Hopefully you know what this is for; since I'm putting this on (publicly searchable) GitHub I don't want to mention it specifically!


  • An instance of postgres, running somewhere
  • node.js (this was developed on v10.12; older versions probably work but YMMV)


  1. npm install
  2. Configure ./env.json and ./env-test.json to point at databases running on a postgres instance
  3. Create/replace files in the data/ and specs/ directories


  • npm run import -- executes the import code, using the credentials specified in ./env.json
  • npm run test -- runs unit tests and code coverage
  • npm run lint -- runs ESLint on code

When the import code is run,

  1. A new schema will be created, import_${epoch}
  2. A table will be created for each valid data file. The table name will be everything before the extension (with hyphens converted to underscores b/c postgres gets angry otherwise)
  3. Rows will be added to the appropriate tables -- per a strict reading of the project's specification, there are no autoincrement/primary keys
  4. Some summary text will print to stdout