
Selenium Shots

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


www.seleniumshots.com Selenium Shots is an Integration Testing Service that transparently distributes your integration tests across multiple operating systems with different versions of all major browsers AND captures a screen shot. This eliminates the need to have multiple vm’s on your computer or the need for multiple machines on your test to test your web application. Running your tests remotely will dramatically speed up in-browser web testing and leave more time to and create a slide show available to confirm visuals making it easy for you to improve your web application.


Rails 3

Add this to your Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'selenium_shots'

Rails 2

To install add teh following to config/environment.rb:

config.gem 'selenium_shots'


In configure/selenium_shots.yml you will need to define the application

  • api_key

  • mode

  • default_browser_url

  • application_name

  • local_browser

  • browsers

Creating Tests

class MyTest < SeleniumShots

  @group = "MyTestGroup"

  selenium_shot "Should run my test and pass." do
    @name = "My Test Name"
    browser.open "/my_site"
    browser.type "search[query]", "Cats"
    browser.click "find"

Selenium Setup

Download the latest version of selenium grid from seleniumhq.org/download/

Using a Custom Selenium Server

‘ant launch-remote-control -DcustomRemoteControl=/path/to/your/customer/selenium-server.jar`

Copyright © 2010 Kyle Ginavan. See LICENSE for details.