Below is a list of resources that were either shared during class or by the suggestions of others.
Please feel free to submit a pull request if you have additions, or you can just email me - kyle.keesling at gmail
- Ruby Glossary - Code Academy
- Ruby Style Guide - Github
- Stack Overflow
- RubyDocs
- TheNewBoston Ruby Video Series
- Command Line and Git Flash Cards
- pets.rb - Working w/ Complex Hashes
- Numbers Divisble by 7 - List all of the numbers between 1 and 1000 that are divisble by 7
- Dog Years - Calculate how old you are in dog years
- Birthday Calculator - Calculate how many years, months, days, and seconds it's been since your birthday
- 99 Bottles of Beer - Take out down and pass it around
- Deaf Grandma - What'd you say there sonny?
- Leap Year Calculator - Outputs how many and what years were leap years inbetween 2 years provided by user input
- cookie.rb - The cookie class we built in Class #3
- Fancy 99 Bottles of Beer - Take out down and pass it around... with your pinky up of course
- English Numbers - Output numbers into english words
- Wedding Numbers - Outputs numbers as words with proper conjunctions - like you'd see on a wedding invite
- My Adventure Game - my crack at the exercise from Class 5