
Fuck This Jam 2014-05-31 repo for Farmzilla (working title)

Primary LanguageC#



You are a city planning manager responsible with rebuilding your city after a series of Kaiju attacks.

Each attack devastates a portion of your city and you must rebuild so businesses can get back to work. Businesses earn the city tax dollars which in turn fund your recovery efforts. You can split your funding between reconstruction and city defenses that ward off future Kaiju attacks, albeit temporarily (because Kaijus can't be killed). The longer you stave off attacks, the more time you have to rebuild, but the more you spend on defenses, the less funding you have to restore the city.


@sqow (Kyle Kellogg, @kylekellogg on Twitter)
@drmanitoba (Dan Barron, @giantrobotbee on Twitter)
Chandarith Moeun
Corey Valois