
Strap your actor/object's callbacks onto the LÖVE (Love2d) callbacks

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Strap your actor/object's callbacks onto the LÖVE (Love2d) callbacks

What is it?

Strap-On is an easy-to-use library that allows you to have individual callbacks on all of your actors/objects that reflect the LÖVE callbacks.

These callbacks are executed in the order that they are added with the LÖVE callback always happening last. LÖVE callbacks will be (but are not yet being) created for you to add on to if you have not explicitly created them by the time you call StrapOn.harness().

This was heavily inspired by HUMP, so major props to @vrld for that amazing library.

How do I use it?

  1. Strap your objects onto the callback system
  2. Harness up
  3. Strap and Unstrap your objects whenever you want - they will be added or removed after during the next callback
local StrapOn = require 'strap-on'

local myTable = {}                --  A barebones object (or a complex one, whatever)
local altTable = StrapOn.strap()  --  Creates a blank object for you

--  Callbacks for your "myTable" table, showcasing the pre*, *, and post* callbacks
function myTable.preupdate( dt )
  --  Whatever you want...

function myTable.update( dt )
  --  Whatever you want...

function myTable.postupdate( dt )
  --  Whatever you want...

--  Callback for the StrapOn created table
function altTable.update( dt )
  --  Whatever you want...

function love.load()
  StrapOn.strap( myTable )  --  Will return myTable as well, but you don't need to
                            --  reassign it or anything



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