
File structure should be:
./LearnOpenGL/ (this repo)
As outlined in the project settings
(in VS: Project->Properties->VC++ Directories and Project->Properties->Linker->Input)

OpenGL 3.3


Notes are provided for manual building with CMake and Visual Studio.


  • compile with CMake, build with Visual Studio
  • put glfw3.lib in the ./lib/ foler
  • put glfw3.h and glfw3native.h in the ./include/GLFW/ folder (if it doesn't exist then make it)


  • If the webservice is unavailable, Compile with CMake, build with Visual Studio
  • If the webservice is availaible, "make sure the language is set to C++, and in the API section select an OpenGL version of at least 3.3 (which is what we'll be using; higher versions are fine as well). Also make sure the profile is set to Core and that the Generate a loader option is ticked... and click Generate to produce the resulting library files."
  • put the glad/ and KHR/ include folders in the ./include/ folder
  • put glad.c into the ./LearnOpenGL/src/ folder if it doesn't already exist.
  • Make sure you choose glad 1 not glad 2

https://freetype.org/ (freetype2)

  • go into builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.sln and build freetype.sln
  • put the [freetype]/include/freetype/ folder in the project ./include/ folder
  • put ft2build.h in the ./include/ folder
  • "Due to how FreeType is developed (at least at the time of this writing), you cannot put their header files in a new directory; they should be located at the root of your include directories."
  • put freetype.lib in the ./lib/ folder


  • put the raw includes/assimp/ (the folder with all of the header .hpp files) folder in in the ./includes/ folder
  • compile with CMake, build with Visual Studio
  • put assimp-vc143-mtd.lib in the ./lib/ folder
  • put assimp-vc143-mtd.dll in the ./LearnOpenGL/ folder
  • put copy the assimp/ includes folder into the ./include/ directory (should be ./include/assimp/)


  • do not build
  • put glm/glm/ (the folder with all of the header .hpp files) into ./include/

3d Models


  • put contents in ./3dModels/backpack/


  • put in ./3dModels/Neon/ (create folder)