Permissions is required. TerraCmd will not function properly without it.
- Anti-hack: User is kicked on join if their health or mana is over their legitimate limits.
- Currently Online userlist.
- MOTD system. Editable in terracmd.txt (Settings file). Two variables at the moment. [player] = player name, [server] = server IP. (Don't think hostnames work)
- MOTD can be colored to your liking. Change the motdR, motdG, motdB values to your liking as if it were a RGB scale.
- A RGB color chart can be found here.
- OP tag and coloring system. Same as the MOTD color system. Edit opR, opG, opB values as if it were a RGB scale.
- Automatic map saving. Saves every 10 minutes.
- Settings reload command.
- Change server password in-game. (Doesn't persist over restarts, you must set it manually to persist.)
- Our own Permissions support.
- Antihack:
- terracmd.antihack.bypass
- Unaffected by antihack. Can enter the server with hacked stats.
- terracmd.antihack.bypass
- Userlist:
- terracmd.playerlist
- Can use /list, /playerlist, /online, or /players to access the playerlist.
- terracmd.playerlist
- TerraCmd Settings reload:
- terracmd.reload
- Can use /terracmd in-game to reload plugin settings. (May be buggy)
- User can also just be OP.
- terracmd.reload
- In-game password changing:
- terracmd.password
- Can use /password [newpassword] to temporarily change the server password.
- Minimum of 3 characters, 0 characters will remove the password.
- User can also just be OP.
- terracmd.password
- Add a settings value for antihack=OP and/or everyone.
- On enable, if a setting isn't found, it will add the default value to the config and load that.
- Added the option to change the auto-save interval.
- Added the option to stop auto-save.
- Added auto-backup at a configurable interval.
- Currently disabled in v1.3. Came into some issues with threading.
- Compatible with TerraChat and General Commands by adding setting to switch off OP tagging/coloring.
- You must add "opSetting=false" to your terracmd.txt config file for it to be switched off.
- Fixed chat messages showing before being logged in with Permissions.
- Misc. other things to improve Permissions binding.
- Fixed the plugin reloading whenever someone did /login with Permissions and on /oplogin.
- Fixed /terracmd command.
- Added Permissions support.
- Added in-game password changing & settings reload commands.
- Fixed up the OP tagging and coloring.
- Updated for tMod 009.
- Initial release.