

Simple Video Game Engine based on cmu_graphics Build as an example of the power of python for intro to python class I'm teaching

Version 0.1:

+ Support rendering of binary blender STL files (no color)
+ movement of camera with keyboard


+ Parse STL Files


+ MeshDirectory: Object to hold all mesh objects so nothing is duplicated
    + Singleton
    + Will be responsible for loading meshes and storing mesh map
+ RenderEngine: Will be responsible for rendering triangle polygons on cmu_graphics
    + Singleton
    + Will take in triangles to be rendered and will render them
+ CameraNode: Will represent the camera
    + Contain matrix to convert camera points to world points
    + Must be able to move and turn using the keyboard
+ SceneNode: Will represent one mesh object
    + Contain mesh name
    + Matrix to convert scene node to world node
+ RootSceneNode: Will represent world space
    + List of all scene nodes
    + CameraNode
+ Node: Base object holding pointer to parent node and mesh directory and render engine
+ All rotations are going to just be simple rotation matrices
+ All meshes will be stored in assets/meshes
+ Each level will be represented by a json script