Edit .auto.tfvars
in the base directory to have the required variable slack_webhook_url
as well as any others from main.tf
you'd like to change.
slack_webhook_url = "https://slack_webhook_url/asdfasd/asfdasdf"
source env.sh
terraform init
terraform apply
This set of commands will:
- Create an environment named ec2-terra, which contains terraform and aws-cli. This script will also pull the keypair from the secrets manager so you can access the ec2 instance via ssh.
- Initialize Terraform resources
- Apply terraform changes, which will create an ec2 instance that will be started and stopped at 8am and 5pm, respectively, every week day.
- When the apply is done, the public ip of the created ec2 instance will be printed to the command line.
To then connect to the generated ec2 instance run:
ssh -i .secrets/ssh.pem ec2-user@${instance_ip}