Process Scheduler


The following students contributed to this project:

  • Kyle Martinez
  • Joshua Hack
  • Samuel Lewis


To run, set your working directory to the root of the project folder then execute make. This will generate an executable binary with the filepath ./bin/scheduler.


Testing can be done by running python3 tests/ in the root of the project folder. A report containing the number of passed acceptance tests will be printed to stdout. Should compilation of the scheduler fail, the script will notify the user.

Input Format

The scheduler program requires that a file, called, be present in the current working directory. This file must conform to the following format:

processcount 2        # Read 5 processes
runfor 15             # Run for 15 time units
use rr                # Can be fcfs, sjf, or rr
quantum 2             # Time quantum – only if using rr
process name P1 arrival 3 burst
process name P2 arrival 0 burst 9

As you can see, lines can include comments! Simply prefix your comment with a hashtag (i.e. #). All text after the hashtag will be ignored. Although the quantum is only used by the round-robin scheduler, it is advised that the quantum line simply be commented out when not in use.


After building the executable binary (see Building), and including a file called in your current working directory (see Input Format), you can run the program simply by executing ./bin/scheduler from the command line. For illustrative purposes:

~/Code/process-scheduler master*
❯ ls -a
.               .clang_complete .gitignore      bin     makefile  src
..              .git         include    test

~/Code/process-scheduler master*
❯ make
mkdir -p bin
gcc -std=gnu99 src/* -I include -o ./bin/scheduler

~/Code/process-scheduler master*
❯ ./bin/scheduler