
Primary LanguagePython


Code style: black

List of services:


API documentation:

First run:

Install Python 3.9.5 & setup virtual environment. We recommend to use pyenv & pyenv-virtualenv:

pyenv install 3.9.5
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.5 juggle
pyenv activate juggle

Update pip & setuptools, install fabric, invoke & pip-tools:

pip install -U fabric invoke pip pip-tools setuptools

Install Python requirements:

fab pip.sync

Copy initial settings for Django project:

cp ./api/.env.example ./api/.env

Generate SECRET_KEY:

./api/manage.py generate_secret_key

and write it to ./api/.env:


Run backing services (require Docker):

fab compose.up -d

Run migrations:

./api/manage.py migrate

Run Django server:

fab run