
⚡ Modern static site starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚡ Modern static site starter kit


  • Gulp as a task runner
  • BrowserSync for synchronized browser testing
  • Use Pug or regular HTML for templating
  • Use ES6 for JavaScript
  • Use Sass for stylesheets
  • Scarab for rapid stylesheet development
  • Carapace for generating functional CSS classes
  • HTML, JS and CSS code linting
  • Minify stylesheets, scripts and images

Getting started

Clone the repo:

$ git clone --depth=1 git@github.com:watchtowerdigital/static-starter.git ./my-project

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

View available Gulp tasks:

$ gulp


  • Automatically generate webfonts & favicons
  • Pre-launch tasks and QA testing
  • Linting configuration
  • Use dart-sass