
Django+Postgres+Redis-powered web app to keep track of friends in one place.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Django+Postgres+Redis-powered web app to keep track of friends.

Try it: https://panner.herokuapp.com



  • Supports: Meetup, Reddit, Spotify, and Twitter accounts.
  • Simple, easy-to-navigate interface.
  • Timesaver.
  • Redis caching for faster load times.
  • Mobile responsive.
  • Robust test coverage.


  • Python 3.6+
  • API client ID/secret values
  • Docker (highly recommended)

Client ID/Secret Values

  • Before running this app, you must acquire client ID/secret values from services that you will use (one or more): Meetup, Reddit, Spotify, and/or Twitter. Use as the callback URI.

Run (in Docker)

  • Get Docker.

  • Clone, set values, and run in Django+Postgres+Redis+Gunicorn+Nginx configuration:

    $ git clone https://github.com/kylepw/panner.git && cd panner
    $ cp env_template .env && vim .env
    $ docker-compose up --build
  • Open in a browser.

Run (on Django development web server)

  • Start Postgres and Redis servers (with Docker like here or another method):

    $ docker run --name db -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:11
    $ docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5
  • Clone, install dependencies, set values, setup database, and run:

    $ git clone https://github.com/kylepw/panner.git && cd panner
    $ pip install pipenv && pipenv install
    $ cp env_template .env && vim .env
    $ pipenv shell
    (panner)$ # Postgres & Redis servers should be running at this point.
    (panner)$ export DB_HOST= REDIS_URL=redis://
    (panner)$ ./manage.py migrate && ./manage.py loaddata people
    (panner)$ DEBUG=1 ./manage.py runserver
    Starting development server at
    Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
  • Open in a browser.


  • Run Django tests from top of project:

    $ pipenv shell
    (panner)$ docker run --name db -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:11
    (panner)$ docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5
    (panner)$ export DB_HOST= REDIS_URL=redis://
    (panner)$ python manage.py test
  • Run api unit tests from sns directory:

    $ pipenv shell && cd sns
    sns (panner)$ python -m unittest discover api


  • Add Github API support.
  • Multiple user account support.


MIT License