A ruby toolkit for simple server bootstrapping and maintenance.
First install the gem.
gem install 'bare_metal'
Once the gem is installed, we're ready to write a script:
require 'bare_metal'
machine1 = BareMetal::Machine.new(:host => 'IP_ADDRESS', :username => 'USERNAME')
# Allocate some swap space
# Install packages
# Create users
# Upload files
machine1.mkdir('/home/deployer/.ssh', :chown => 'deployer:deployer')
machine1.upload('/local/path/to/deployer.key', '/home/deployer/.ssh/id_rsa', :chmod => '600')
machine1.upload('/local/path/to/nginx.conf', '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf')
machine1.upload('/local/path/to/sites-available/mysite.com', '/etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite.com')
# Create symlinks
machine1.symlink('/etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite.com', '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mysite.com')
# Execute commands
machine1.execute('service nginx restart')
- Build a more robust package system that can install packages that require more complex install steps and configuration. Like Mysql.