
lab 04: bitmap

Primary LanguageJavaScript

cf lab 04 Bitmap Transform

Waffle Build Status

To Submit this Assignment

  • have team leader fork this repository
  • have team leader add team members as colabarators to the team fork
  • team memebers should clone team fork
  • write all of your code in a directory name bitmap- + <team name> e.g. bitmap-shreders
  • submit a pull require to this repository when done :)
  • each person will submit a link to your to your PR in canvas
  • each person will write up about what work they did on the project
  • each person write a question and observation on canvas


  • Tests: 3pts
  • Gulpfile/package.json 2pts
  • Read Bitmap Meta Data 5pts
  • Successfully Apply Transform 5pts
  • Project Design 5pts


For this assignment you will be building a Bitmap reader and transformer. It will read a Bitmap in from disk, run one or more color transforms on the bitmap and then write it out to a new file. This project will require the use of node buffers in order to manipulate binary data. Your project should include tests, as well as a Gulpfile and package.json file. Make sure to run all your code through eslint. The process will look something like this:

  1. open file using fs and read it into a buffer
  2. convert buffer headers data into a Javascript Object
  3. Run a transform on the buffer directly
  4. Write the buffer to a new file.

The wikipedia article found here Bitmap Specification describes the byte specification of a "windows bitmap file." We'll be working the simplest version, meaning no compression. Your project should be able to take a transform as a callback that will be run once the bitmap file has been read into a buffer. Your project should include at least one transform. This is a difficult assignment so make sure to come to me with questions early. Ideas for easy transformations:

  • invert the colors (essentially subtract every color value from the max color value which is 255),
  • Grayscale the colors, multiply each color value by a constant, just make sure your values don't go over 255.
  • (red|green|blue)scale the colors, same as above but only multiply one of the colors.

Bonus Points:

  • Can handle palette and non-palette bitmaps
  • Can handle multiple types of bitmaps (not just BM)
  • Handle LE and BE computers with a single if statement
  • create a command line interface
  • command line interface that can select the transform
  • can handle various sized bitmaps