cf lab-07-single-resource-api (ROUTER)

Build Status

To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas

Build Tool Instructions

  • create a package.json that lists all dependencies and developer dependencies
  • include an .eslintrc
  • include a .gitignore
  • create a gulpfile
  • have a lint task for running eslint
  • have a test task for running mocha
  • have a nodemon task that restarts your server any time a change has been bade to your .js files
  • have a default task for running the lint and mocha tasks


  • Create these directories to organize your code:
  • lib
  • model
  • route
  • test
  • Create a HTTP Server using the http module
  • Create a Object Constructor that creates a simple resource with at least 3 properties
  • An id property that is set to a unique node-uuid id is required
  • Also include two other properties of your choice (like name, creationDate, etc.)
  • Create a body parser that uses Promises to parse the json in the body of POST, PUT, or DELETE requests
  • Create a url parser that returns a promise and uses nodes url and querystring modules parse the request url
  • Create a Router Constructor that manages requests to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
  • Create a route for doing CRUD operations on your simple resource
  • when instances of a resource are created they should be stored on an object using the uuid as the key
  • the value associated with the key should be the instance of the resource

Server Endpoints


  • POST request
  • pass data as stringifed json in the body of a post request to create a resource
  • GET request
  • pass an ?id=<uuid> in the query string to retrieve a specific resource as json
  • DELETE request
  • pass data as stringifed json that contains {id:<uuid>} in the body of a post request to delete a resource


  • your tests should start your server when they begin and stop your server when they finish
  • write a test to ensure that your api returns a status code of 404 for routes that have not been registered
  • write tests to ensure your /api/simple-resource-name endpoint responds as described for each condition below:
  • GET - test 404, responds with 'not found' for valid request made with an id that was not found
  • GET - test 400, responds with 'bad request' if no id was provided in the request
  • GET - test 200, response body like {<data>} for a request made with a valid id
  • POST - test 400, responds with 'bad request' for if no body provided or invalid body
  • POST - test 200, response body like {<data>} for a post request with a valid body


  • 2pts a GET request to /api/simple-resource-name/all should retrun an array of all of the ids for that resource