cf lab-27-28-image-gallery


To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas


  • Create these directories to organize your code:
  • app
  • app/component
  • app/html
  • app/scss/vendor
  • app/asset/image
  • create a _theme.scss partial
  • add three color variables
  • create a base.scss file
  • import normalize
  • import _theme
  • write some styles that use the color variables defined in _theme
  • create a entry.js
  • require your index.html and force webpack to use the file-loader
  • require your base.scss


For this assignment, build three different display components for an image url:

  1. The first should display the title of the image, description of the image, and the link (not the actual image), and short description.
  2. The second should display the image as a "thumbnail" (within a 100x100 pixel scale).
  3. The third should display the title, description of the image, and the full-size image, and the description.

Create a gallery component that contains hard-coded image data for populating the gallery. The gallery component must have data for at least five images. You must find your own images (and optionaly thumbnails of the same image).

Your component's must allow attributes to set the title, description, and imageUrl properties of their scopes. Each of your component's must also have its own scss file that styles its appearance.


  • 1pt Have the high-level component take a "parameter" to toggle between the display modes.


App requirements: 6pts

  • Create a directive to display a text only version of the image.
  • Create a directive to display a thumbnail version of the image.
  • Create a directive to display a full size image with a title and description.
  • Create a gallery that populates and displays the image data components

Code style: 3pts

  • Passes linter
  • Well-named functions and variables, properly scoped
  • Good project organization

Git usage: 1pt

  • Well-structured pull request
  • Accurate commit messages
  • Clear, readable git history