
A simple RSS namespace extensions for podcast feeds to track listening behavior.


1. Introduction

A simple RSS namespace extensions for podcast feeds.

The goal is to create a spec that would behave like a trackback for audio listening behavior. Podcast clients and apps that implement the namespace will allow podcast hosts to track user engagement in a detailed way.

The way the namespace works is pretty straightforward. There are 4 new elements you can add to item tags in your feed: play, pause, seek and finish. Each element will contain a callback url that will get triggered when the user plays an episode, pauses an episode, seeks within an episode and finishes listening to an episode.

In order to work, both the sender and the receiver must support the listen namespace protocol.

The listen namespace events must be sent to a listen URL, a script that understands trackback and can do something useful with the information. The listen URL identifies the page that's being linked on the sender's site.

2. Conventions

In this documentation, the key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

3. Declaration

The Listen namespace requires the "http://www.kyleshank.com/listen.dtd" declaration in the RSS element.

<rss xmlns:listen="http://www.kyleshank.com/listen.dtd">

Sample feeds demonstrate how to incorporate elements from this namespace in an RSS 2.0 feed.

4. listen:play

The play element, when present in an item, identifies the item's play URL (OPTIONAL).

An RSS 2.0 feed MUST define the URL as the element's value.


An item MUST NOT contain more than one play element.

5. listen:pause

The pause element, when present in an item, identifies the item's pause URL (OPTIONAL).

An RSS 2.0 feed MUST define the URL as the element's value.


An item MUST NOT contain more than one pause element.

6. listen:seek

The seek element, when present in an item, identifies the item's seek URL (OPTIONAL).

An RSS 2.0 feed MUST define the URL as the element's value.


An item MUST NOT contain more than one seek element.

7. listen:finish

The finish element, when present in an item, identifies the item's finish URL (OPTIONAL).

An RSS 2.0 feed MUST define the URL as the element's value.


An item MUST NOT contain more than one finish element.

8. Client Implementation

Clients SHOULD parse listen namespace play, pause, seek and finish elements for callback URLs.

Clients SHOULD make POST requests to callback URLs.

Clients SHOULD pass a POST parameter to play, pause, seek and finish callback URLs named "seconds" with the current number of total seconds at the play head of the audio player.

Clients SHOULD also pass a POST parameter to the pause callback URL named "duration" with the number of seconds in the session since the play event.

Clients SHOULD make a POST request to the listen:play URL when the audio player starts playback of the audio file for the given item.

Clients SHOULD make a POST request to the listen:pause URL when the audio player pauses playback of the audio file for the given item.

Clients SHOULD make a POST request to the listen:seek URL when the audio player seeks to a new position within the audio file for the given item.

Clients SHOULD make a POST request to the listen:finish URL when the audio player finishes playback of the audio file for the given item.

9. License

Copyright 2016 Kyle Shank. Redistribution and reuse of this document is permitted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

10. Credits

The Listen namespace for RSS was created by Kyle Shank.

11. Example

Here is what an example podcast RSS feed would look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:listen="http://www.kyleshank.com/listen.dtd">
    <title>Release Notes</title>
    <description>A podcast about a thing (this thing) that makes podcasts.</description>
    <copyright>2016 Kyle Shank</copyright>
    <atom:link href="http://feeds.fans.fm/2.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
    <itunes:subtitle>A podcast about a thing (this thing) that makes...</itunes:subtitle>
    <itunes:summary>A podcast about a thing (this thing) that makes podcasts.</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:author>Kyle Shank</itunes:author>
    <itunes:category text="Technology">
      <itunes:name>Kyle Shank</itunes:name>
    <itunes:image href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/fansfm_production/db083380-24e5-0134-7874-0f16ad195fd9.jpg"/>
      <title>1.0 - Welcome to FANS.FM!</title>
      <description>FANS.FM is a podcasting platform that lets you start a podcast for free, get deep analytics about your audience and earn revenue with a member subscription system for premium content.</description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 13 Sep 2016 01:32:26 +0000</pubDate>
      <enclosure url="http://fans.fm/listen/22p.mp3" length="9016551" type="audio/mpeg"/>
      <itunes:author>Kyle Shank</itunes:author>
      <itunes:subtitle>FANS.FM is a podcasting platform that lets you ...</itunes:subtitle>
      <itunes:summary>FANS.FM is a podcasting platform that lets you start a podcast for free, get deep analytics about your audience and earn revenue with a member subscription system for premium content.</itunes:summary>
      <itunes:image href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/fansfm_production/db083380-24e5-0134-7874-0f16ad195fd9.jpg"/>