
A TypeScript-to-Scala.js converter. Designed for parsing definitelytyped.com, powers definitelyscala.com.

Primary LanguageScala


ARCHIVED: These projects are superceded by the great work at https://github.com/ScalablyTyped/Distribution

A TypeScript-to-Scala.js converter. Designed for parsing http://definitelytyped.org, powers http://definitelyscala.com.


Right now the whole thing is a giant Scala Play Framework app that expects certain directories. You can run the freshly-cloned repository with SBT, but there won't be any projects.

To run for your own TypeScript definitions ("foo") rename your index.d.ts to "foo.ts", and place it in ./data/typescript. Then start the app with sbt run, and open http://localhost:9000. Select Project List, then your project. You'll see options to parse, build, and publish your project. Publishing won't work.

In order to create the SBT project, you'll need to clone git@github.com:DefinitelyScala/scala-js-template.git into ./util.

More documentation coming soon. Feel free to email me if you run into trouble.


The code is licensed under Apache License v2.0.