
DNS over HTTPS / DNS over TLS via iRulesLX on the F5 BIG-IP

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DNS over HTTPS / DNS over TLS via iRulesLX on the F5 BIG-IP

The following configurations handle both inbound DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS requests. For proxying inbound traditional DNS to back-end DoH/DoT servers, see Eric Chen's work at DevCentral.

NOTE: You need a certificate on your virtual server HTTPS profiles that the end client (Firefox/Chrome/etc) will recognize. Self-signed certs cannot be "accepted" manually, so you'll need to add those to the browser certificate store manually if you're testing with them.

DNS over TLS

DoT is simply putting a client-SSL profile on a virtual server that handles DNS.

This deployment is meant to be compliant with RFC7858. Please report and deviations or issues.


Sample Virtual Server

ltm virtual dns_over_tls {
ip-protocol tcp
pool dns_server
profiles {
dns_client_ssl {
context clientside
tcp { }
source-address-translation {
type automap
translate-address enabled
translate-port enabled
vs-index 2

Sample SSL Profile

ltm profile client-ssl dns_client_ssl {
app-service none
cert fakeCAwildcard.crt
cert-key-chain {
fakeCAwildcard_fakeCA {
cert fakeCAwildcard.crt
chain fakeCA.crt
key fakeCAwildcard.key
chain fakeCA.crt
defaults-from clientssl
inherit-certkeychain false
key fakeCAwildcard.key
passphrase none
renegotiation disabled



This LX iRule will accept inbound DNS over HTTPS queries as defined in RFC8484. Note that GET and POST requests are handled just a bit differently.

This iRulesLX powered DoH proxy attempts to be compliant with RFC8484. Please report any deviations or issues.


LX iRule Installation

  1. Provision iRulesLX. (https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/getting-started-with-irules-lx-configuration-workflow-20410)
  2. Navigate to LTM -> iRules -> LX Workspaces. Create an iRulesLX workspace titled "DoH_to_DNS_Proxy"
  3. Add the iRule to the workspace by clicking "Add iRule", entering DoH_to_DNS_Proxy and pasting the contents of DoHDoTiRule.tcl
  4. Click "Create Extension" and enter "DoH_to_DNS_Proxy" as the name and click OK.
  5. Modify the index.js extension and paste the contents of DohDotiRulesLX.js
  6. From the command line, install the required modules (dgram is a core module and does not need to be installed):
  • cd /var/ilx/workspaces/Common/DoH_to_DNS_Proxy/extensions/DoH_to_DNS_Proxy
  • npm install base64url dns-packet net --save
  1. Navigate to LTM -> iRules -> LX Plugins. Create the iRulesLX plugin titled "DoH_to_DNS_Proxy" and select the "DoH_to_DNS_Proxy" workspace. Click Finished.
  2. Apply the iRule to your virtual server(s)

Sample Virtual Server:

ltm virtual dns_over_https {
ip-protocol tcp
profiles {
ssl_http2 {
context clientside
http { }
http2 { }
tcp { }
rules {
source-address-translation {
type automap
translate-address enabled
translate-port enabled

Sample SSL Profile:

ltm profile client-ssl ssl_http2 {
app-service none
cert fakeCAwildcard.crt
cert-key-chain {
fakeCAwildcard_fakeCA {
cert fakeCAwildcard.crt
chain fakeCA.crt
key fakeCAwildcard.key
chain fakeCA.crt
defaults-from clientssl
inherit-certkeychain false
key fakeCAwildcard.key
passphrase none
renegotiation disabled