Analyzes and organizes a music library

Primary LanguagePerl

MuLou - MUsic Library Organization Utility

Mulou is a program designed to organize one's music collection.  The program
works best when there are many songs that were taken from more than one
source, and therefore reside multiple times in the same music library.  The
program will recursively scan through every folder in the music library and
read the tags for each song.  It uses the tags to determing duplicate song
files, but not before "normalizing" the song files.


There are several steps in the normalization process, and future versions of
the program will allow for more configuration in this process.  Here is a 
list of everything the program will do to the song tags:

  - Convert all tags to Upper Camel Case
  - Convert roman numerals to Arabic numerals
  - Change tags that end in ", The" to instead begin with "The"
  - Remove (Disc 1) or [Disc 1] from the end of tag names
  - Fix all other parentheses so that a space exists before the left 
    parenthese and a space exists after the right parenthese.
  - Change & to the word "and"
  - Tag names which are abbreviated like A.B.C. get converted to ABC

Running the program

version 0.01
The only executable is the test driver, located in mulou/src/SandBox/test.pl
It will index and normalize all songs located in /home/kyle/Music, but this
path can be changed easily.  It is easiest to route the output to a text
file, as there is a lot of output which may not be readable in a terminal 
window.  The output at the end is what the tags get normalized as.  Check 
this and make sure that the normalization worked for all songs.  If you 
notice any problems, please report them at kracette@gmail.com.