
Pyth Network is an oracle that publishes financial market data to multiple blockchains. Our market data is contributed by over 70 first-party publishers, including some of the biggest exchanges and market making firms in the world. We offer price feeds for a number of different asset classes, including US equities, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Each price feed publishes a robust aggregate of publisher prices that updates multiple times per second.

Our price feeds are available on multiple blockchains and can also be used in off-chain applications. Prices are available in mainnet for Solana and many EVM chains, including Ethereum, BNB, Avalanche and more. Prices are also available in Aptos testnet and will be coming soon to Cosmos chains and other ecosystems.

Get Started

We have several different guides to get started with Pyth, depending on your use case:

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{% content-ref url="publishers/" %} publishers/ {% endcontent-ref %}

{% content-ref url="how-pyth-works/" %} how-pyth-works/ {% endcontent-ref %}

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