
A Rich Text Editor plugin for Filament Forms.

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Filament Tiptap Editor

A Tiptap integration for Filament Admin/Forms.



Install the package via composer

composer require awcodes/filament-tiptap-editor:"^3.0"

In an effort to align with Filament's theming methodology you will need to use a custom theme to use this plugin.

Note If you have not set up a custom theme and are using a Panel follow the instructions in the Filament Docs first. The following applies to both the Panels Package and the standalone Forms package.

  1. Import the plugin's stylesheet and tippy.js stylesheet (if not already included) into your theme's css file.
@import '<path-to-vendor>/awcodes/filament-tiptap-editor/resources/css/plugin.css';
  1. Add the plugin's views to your tailwind.config.js file.
content: [
  1. Add the tailwindcss/nesting plugin to your postcss.config.js file.
module.exports = {
    plugins: {
        'tailwindcss/nesting': {},
        tailwindcss: {},
        autoprefixer: {},
  1. Rebuild your custom theme.
npm run build

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x

  1. Output is now set with an Enum, please update your files to use TiptapOutput in all place where you are setting the output, including the config file.
  2. barebone profile setting was renamed to minimal


The editor extends the default Field class so most other methods available on that class can be used when adding it to a form.

use FilamentTiptapEditor\TiptapEditor;
use FilamentTiptapEditor\Enums\TiptapOutput;

    ->tools([]) // individual tools to use in the editor, overwrites profile
    ->disk('string') // optional, defaults to config setting
    ->directory('string or Closure returning a string') // optional, defaults to config setting
    ->acceptedFileTypes(['array of file types']) // optional, defaults to config setting
    ->maxSize('integer in KB') // optional, defaults to config setting
    ->output(TiptapOutput::Html) // optional, change the format for saved data, default is html

Rendering content in Blade files

If you are storing your content as JSON then you will likely need to parse the data to HTML for output in Blade files. To help with this there is a helper function tiptap_converter that will convert the data to one of the three supported Tiptap formats.

Styling the output is entirely up to you.

{!! tiptap_converter()->asHTML($post->content) !!}
{!! tiptap_converter()->asJSON($post->content) !!}
{!! tiptap_converter()->asText($post->content) !!}

Table of Contents

If you are using the heading tool in your editor you can also generate a table of contents from the headings in the content. This is done by passing the content to the asHTML() method and setting the toc option to true. You can also pass a maxDepth option to limit the depth of headings to include in the table of contents.

<!-- this will generate links for all headings up to h3 -->
{!! tiptap_converter()->asHTML($post->content, toc: true, maxDepth: 3) !!}

<!-- this will generate a table of contents with headings up to h3 -->
{!! tiptap_converter()->asToc($post->content, maxDepth: 3) !!}


The plugin will work without publishing the config, but should you need to change any of the default settings you can publish the config file with the following Artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tiptap-editor-config"

Profiles / Tools

The package comes with 3 profiles (or toolbars) out of the box. You can also use a pipe | to separate tools into groups. The default profile is the full set of tools.

'profiles' => [
    'default' => [
        'heading', 'bullet-list', 'ordered-list', 'checked-list', 'blockquote', 'hr',
        'bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'lead', 'small', 'align-left', 'align-center', 'align-right',
        'link', 'media', 'oembed', 'table', 'grid-builder', 'details',
        'code', 'code-block', 'source',
    'simple' => [
        'heading', 'hr', 'bullet-list', 'ordered-list', 'checked-list',
        'bold', 'italic', 'lead', 'small',
        'link', 'media',
    'minimal' => [
        'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bullet-list', 'ordered-list',

See filament-tiptap-editor.php config file for modifying profiles to add / remove buttons from the editor or to add your own.

Tools can also be added on a per-instance basis by using the ->tools() modifier to overwrite the profile set for the instance. A full list of tools can be found in the filament-tiptap-editor.php config file under the default profile setting.

Media / Images

    'accepted_file_types' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/webp', 'image/svg+xml', 'application/pdf'],
    'disk' => 'public',
    'directory' => 'images',
    'visibility' => 'public',
    'preserve_file_names' => false,
    'max_file_size' => 2042,
    'image_crop_aspect_ratio' => null,
    'image_resize_target_width' => null,
    'image_resize_target_height' => null,

Output format

Tiptap has 3 different output formats. See: https://tiptap.dev/guide/output

If you want to change the output format that is stored in the database you can change the default config or specify it in each instance.

use FilamentTiptapEditor\Enums\TiptapOutput;


Note If you want to store the editor content as array / json you have to set the database column as longText or json type. And cast it appropriately in your model class.

// in your migration

// in your model
protected $casts = [
    'content' => 'json' // or 'array'

RTL Support

In order for things like text align to work properly with RTL languages you can switch the direction key in the config to 'rtl'.

// config/filament-tiptap-editor.php
'direction' => 'rtl'

Max Content Width

To adjust the max content width of the editor globally set max_content_width key in the config to one of the tailwind max width sizes or full for full width. This could also be set on a per-instance basis with the ->maxContentWidth() method.

'max_content_width' => 'full'
use FilamentTiptapEditor\TiptapEditor;



The Link and Media modals are built using Filament Form Component Actions. This means it is easy enough to swap them out with your own implementations.

Link Modal

You may override the default Link modal with your own Action and assign to the link_action key in the config file. Make sure the default name for your action is filament_tiptap_link.

See vendor/awcodes/filament-tiptap-editor/src/Actions/LinkAction.php for implementation.

Media Modal

You may override the default Media modal with your own Action and assign to the media_action key in the config file. Make sure the default name for your action is filament_tiptap_media.

See vendor/awcodes/filament-tiptap-editor/src/Actions/MediaAction.php for implementation.

Initial height of editor field

You can add extra input attributes to the field with the extraInputAttributes() method. This allows you to do things like set the initial height of the editor.

    ->extraInputAttributes(['style' => 'min-height: 12rem;']),

Bubble and Floating Menus

By default, the editor uses Bubble and Floating menus to help with creating content inline, so you don't have to use the toolbar. If you'd prefer to not use the menus you can disable them on a per-instance basis or globally in the config file.

'disable_floating_menus' => true,
'disable_bubble_menus' => true,

You can also provide you own tools to for the floating menu, should you choose. Defaults can be overwritten via the config file.

    ->floatingMenuTools(['grid-builder', 'media', 'link'])
'floating_menu_tools' => ['media', 'grid-builder', 'details', 'table', 'oembed', 'code-block'],
'bubble_menu_tools' => ['bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'lead', 'small', 'link'],

Grid layouts

When using the grid tool, you can customize the available layouts in the dropdown by passing them to the gridLayouts() method:


Custom Blocks

Note To use custom blocks you must store your content as JSON.

There are 3 components you need to create a custom block for Tiptap Editor.

  • A block class that extends TiptapBlock and defines the settings for the block.
  • A 'preview' blade file
  • A 'rendered' blade file

Creating a custom block

Block class

use FilamentTiptapEditor\TiptapBlock;

class BatmanBlock extends TiptapBlock
    public string $preview = 'blocks.previews.batman';

    public string $rendered = 'blocks.rendered.batman';

    public function getFormSchema(): array
        return [
                    'Hero' => 'Hero',
                    'Villain' => 'Villain',

Static blocks

If you simply need a placeholder to output a block that doesn't have settings you can simply not provide a getFormSchema method and no modal will be shown and blocks will be directly inserted into the editor.

use FilamentTiptapEditor\TiptapBlock;

class StaticBlock extends TiptapBlock
    public string $preview = 'blocks.previews.static';

    public string $rendered = 'blocks.rendered.static';

Modal width, slide overs and icons

Note: Currently, icons will only be show on the drag and drop block panel

class BatmanBlock extends TiptapBlock
    public string $width = 'xl';
    public bool $slideOver = true;
    public ?string $icon = 'heroicon-o-film';

Preview view

Preview views are just standard blade views. Unfortunately, you cannot use Livewire components in a block preview as they will not work correctly due to the editor having to be wire:ignore.


<div class="flex items-center gap-6">
    <div class="text-5xl">
            echo match($name) {
                'robin' => '🐤',
                'ivy' => '🥀',
                'joker' => '🤡',
                default => '🦇'
        <p>Name: {{ $name }}</p>
        <p style="color: {{ $color }};">Color: {{ $color }}</p>
        <p>Side: {{ $side ?? 'Good' }}</p>

Rendered view

Rendered views are normal blade files and can also be used to output livewire components with your block data.



Registering your blocks with the editor

In the register method of a service provider you can add your blocks to the editor via configureUsing.

Note You will also need to add the 'blocks' key where appropriate in your profiles in the tiptap config.

use App\TiptapBlocks\BatmanBlock;
use App\TiptapBlocks\StaticBlock;
use FilamentTiptapEditor\TiptapEditor;

TiptapEditor::configureUsing(function (TiptapEditor $component) {

By default, the drag and drop blocks panel will be open in the editor. If you want to change this you can use the collapseBlocksPanel modifier on the Editor instance or globally with configureUsing.

use App\TiptapBlocks\BatmanBlock;
use App\TiptapBlocks\StaticBlock;
use FilamentTiptapEditor\TiptapEditor;

TiptapEditor::configureUsing(function (TiptapEditor $component) {

Merge tags

Merge tags can be used with JSON-based editor content to replace placeholders with dynamic content. Merge tags are defined in the mergeTags() method of the editor instance:


To insert a merge tag, the user can either type {{ to open an autocomplete menu, or drag a merge tag into the editor from the "blocks panel". You can remove the tags from the blocks panel using showMergeTagsInBlocksPanel(false):


Rendering merge tags

While you have full control over how the content of the merge tags are replaced, you can use the mergeTagsMap() method on the tiptap_converter helper to replace the tags with the provided data:

{!! tiptap_converter()->mergeTagsMap(['first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe'])->asHTML($content) !!}

Usage in Standalone Forms Package

If you are using any of the tools that require a modal (e.g. Insert media, Insert video, etc.), make sure to add {{ $this->modal }} to your view after the custom form:

<form wire:submit.prevent="submit">
    {{ $this->form }}

    <button type="submit">

{{ $this->modal }}

Custom Extensions

You can add your own extensions to the editor by creating the necessary files and adding them to the config file extensions array.

This only support CSS and JS with Vite.

You can read more about custom extensions at https://tiptap.dev/guide/custom-extensions.


First, create a directory for you custom extensions at resources/js/tiptap and add your extension files.

import { Node, mergeAttributes } from "@tiptap/core";

const Hero = Node.create({
    name: "hero",

export default Hero

Next, create at a file at resources/js/tiptap/extensions.js and add the following code.

Note that when adding your extension to the array you must register them a key:array set.

import Hero from "./hero.js";

window.TiptapEditorExtensions = {
    hero: [Hero]


Create a css file for your custom extensions at resources/css/tiptap/extensions.css. All styles should be scoped to the parent class of .tiptap-content.

.tiptap-content {
    .hero-block {

Vite Config

Now you need to add these to your vite.config.js file and run a build to generate the files.

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [
            input: [
            refresh: true,

PHP Parser

You will also need to create a PHP version of your extension in order for the content to be read from the database and rendered in the editor or to your front end display. You are free to create this anywhere in your app, a good place is something like app/TiptapExtensions/YourExtenion.php.

You can read more about the php parsers at https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap-php

namespace App\TiptapExtensions;

use Tiptap\Core\Node;

class Hero extends Node
    public static $name = 'hero';

Toolbar Button

You will also need to crate a dedicated view for you toolbar button. This should be placed somewhere in your app's resources/views/components directory. You are free to code the buttons as you see fit, but it is recommended to use the plugin's view components for uniformity.

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="currentColor" d="M5 21q-.825 0-1.413-.588T3 19V5q0-.825.588-1.413T5 3h14q.825 0 1.413.588T21 5v14q0 .825-.588 1.413T19 21H5Zm0-2h14v-5H5v5Z"/></svg>
    <span class="sr-only">{{ $label }}</span>

Registering the Extensions

Finally, you need to register your extensions in the config file and add the new extension to the appropriate profile.

'profiles' => [
    'minimal' => [
'extensions_script' => 'resources/js/tiptap/extensions.js',
'extensions_styles' => 'resources/css/tiptap/extensions.css',
'extensions' => [
        'id' => 'hero',
        'name' => 'Hero',
        'button' => 'tools.hero',
        'parser' => \App\TiptapExtensions\Hero::class,


This project follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


Copyright (c) 2022 Adam Weston and contributors

Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.md for details.