
Exercise in creating an employee directory with Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create a program that does all of the following:

Hint: Flowchart 1 step at a time. Implement that step and when it works properly, flowchart the next.

  • Prompt the user to input a command, then do the following:
  1. If the command is print print all the employee names, office numbers, and telephone numbers

  2. If the command is verify:

  • prompt the user for an employee name
  • print true if the employee exists otherwise print false
  1. If the command is lookup:
  • prompt the user for an employee name
  • print the employee's name, office number, and telephone number
  1. If the command is contains:
  • prompt the user for a string
  • print the information of all employees whose names contain the given string ex: Dav would print info for David, Davus, and Dave
  1. If the command is update:
  • prompt the user for a name
  • prompt the user for a field they would like to update
  • prompt the user for a value
  • find the employee with that name and update the provided field with the provided value
  • print the new info for that employee
  1. If the command is add:
  • prompt the user for a name
  • prompt the user for an office number
  • prompt the user for a telephone number
  • add this employee to the employeeList
  • print the updated employeeList
  1. If the command is delete:
  • prompt the user for a name
  • delete the object with this name property from the array entirely.
  • print the updated employeeList
  1. If the command is phoneLookup:
  • prompt the user for a name
  • print the phoneNum for the name provided by user.