This program periodically writes a log message onto the given disk and the log message has a pre-defined format.
- Program runs on linux environment
- Usage of disk is checked in every 1 minute
- Depending on the usage, the level of log is different
- 0% ~ 89% : INFO
- 90% ~ 94% : WARNING
- 95% ~ : ERROR
- Program is written in Python
- The log format is like below
level:INFO path:/mnt/storage capacity:5% size:8989800
There are three optional arguments and the description of each is described below:
- mounted: A path for mounted device or partition. For the invalid path, the program is terminated with error message. Default path is
- logtype:
- logpath: A file name with path. Only used in case that logtype is
Test Environment Platform : OS X, Ubuntu 12.04LTS(32bit) Language : Python 3.4
Run program with default values
- Options : default(mounted path=
, log type=stdout
, log path=None
) - Command
$ python3.4
- Expected result: log data displays via stdout
- Options : default(mounted path=
Run program with an argument which specifies invalid mounted position
- Options: mounted path=
- Command
$ python3.4 --mounted=/not/existing/path
- Expected Result: Program is terminated with error message
- Options: mounted path=
Run program with the some options#1
- Options: mounted=
, log type=file
, log path=/your/desired/path/filename
- Command
$ python3.4 --mounted=/valid/mount/path --logtype=file --logpath=/your/desired/path/diskusage.log
- Expected Result: Log data are stored in the specified path as text file
- Options: mounted=
Run program with the some options#2
- Options: mounted path=
, log type=syslog
, log path=None
- Command
$ python3.4 --mounted=/valid/mounted/position --logtype=syslog
- Expected Result: Log data are stored as system log.
- Options: mounted path=
From now, I could describe the basic approach to implement this program and how I dealt with some issues that I was faced with.
This program has 4 major features.
- To parse incoming arguments via command line
- To retrieve disk or partition information from the given mounted path
- To write logs with pre-defined format
- To set a timer to invoke callback periodically
Basically, I used modularization to simplify the main function as much as possible. Therefore #1, #2, and #3 were implemented as class separately, and the last one(#4) was a module only containing function.
During designing overall program structure, timer was the most difficult part. From my previous experience, I thought that SetInterval in Javasciprt is the best fit to achieve the goal but there was not a nice and neat way in python. Therefore I googled and found some possible solutions.
- Using threading
- Using sched
- Using Advanced python scheduler
Among those solutions above, I choosed the first one because I was a bit more familiar than others. And there were two ways to implement SetInterval with threading.
- Decorator function with decorator arguments
- Standalone function without decorator
Even though I implemented two functions, the fundamental concept of the two is the same.
- Call timer function with an interval value. ]
- Create a thread and run start-routine
- Wait for the given interval and if flag is not set run another loop
- Stop loop if the flag is set to
by callingset