
utils designed to make my code reuseable

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


This repositories is designed to collect some useful tools and some high-frequency code to improve coding efficiency.

Stay hungry , Stay Foolish ---Jobs

Okay,let's get started.

The first tool is a textView that can calculate height automaticlly mostly used in chat-apps .

![growingTextView] [growingTextView]:https://camo.githubusercontent.com/03fafe8ebba712467562fce94b10af49fbcb8693/687474703a2f2f662e636c2e6c792f6974656d732f3237306632463371336433713134326d313430412f73732e706e67


pod 'ZZUtils', :git => 'https://github.com/kyo7701/ZZUtils', :tag => '0.0.1'