
Fedora 30 KDE Japanese Input setup (ibus)

Fedora 30 KDE Japanese Input Setup

Compared to the magically easy Japanese input setup on GNOME, setting up Japanese input in Fedora KDE is fairly confusing.

I tried both fcitx-kkc and ibus-kkc. I found switching between 3 or more input methods in fcitx to be very clunky, so I think ibus is the better choice here.

The following steps allowed me to get ibus Japanese working in Fedora 30 KDE:

sudo dnf install ibus-kkc

This should install all the ibus dependencies as well as kkc Japanese input.

Run ibus-setup. This will start the ibus daemon and open a settings window. Add the Japanese Kana-Kanji input method here.

When ibus-setup started, it provided lines that should be added to ~/.bashrc. These suggestions should be followed (without this, switching input methods did not work for me). So add the following to your .bashrc:

export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus

Activate the configuration:

source ~/.bashrc

Problem: ibus-daemon will not start automatically under Fedora KDE. This problem is documented in this bug report. I followed the suggestions in the report to make ibus-daemon autostart:

sudo dnf groupinstall input-methods

Now run im-chooser, and select "Use IBus". This should make ibus-daemon autostart. Restart and make sure everything is working...

PRs welcome if I've messed anything up in the above instructions.