
In my thesis, I tried to build a model that predicts whether the prices of items will be adjusted today.

Analyzing Online Prices by Using Machine Learning Techniques (2018) (master thesis) - ML part source code. Also documented in my medium blog post.

Table of contents


Python 3.6.5
imbalanced_learn == 0.5.0
matplotlib == 3.1.2
numpy == 1.15.4
pandas == 0.23.4
scikit_learn == 0.21.3
seaborn == 0.9.0

Imbalanced Data

As we have known by intuition, the prices in the online supermarket are not often be adjusted. Prices were adjusted only around 2% of the time.

To deal with this imbalanced data, I applied following methods;

  1. Use a tree-based algorithm
  2. Resampling
  3. Use appropriate metrics