
Subscribe to the Inserted and Removed events to be notified when a USB drive is plugged in or unplugged, or when a USB device is connected or disconnected. Usb.Events is a .NET Standard 2.0 library and uses WMI on Windows, libudev on Linux and IOKit on macOS.

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Subscribe to the Inserted and Removed events to be notified when a USB drive is plugged in or unplugged, or when a USB device is connected or disconnected. Usb.Events is a .NET Standard 2.0 library and uses WMI on Windows, libudev on Linux and IOKit on macOS.

How to use:

  1. Include NuGet package from https://www.nuget.org/packages/Usb.Events

         <PackageReference Include="Usb.Events" Version="" />
  2. Subscribe to events:

     using Usb.Events;
     class Program
         static void Main(string[] _)
             using IUsbEventWatcher usbEventWatcher = new UsbEventWatcher();
             usbEventWatcher.UsbDeviceRemoved += (_, device) => Console.WriteLine("Removed:" + Environment.NewLine + device + Environment.NewLine);
             usbEventWatcher.UsbDeviceAdded += (_, device) => Console.WriteLine("Added:" + Environment.NewLine + device + Environment.NewLine);
             usbEventWatcher.UsbDriveEjected += (_, path) => Console.WriteLine("Ejected:" + Environment.NewLine + path + Environment.NewLine);
             usbEventWatcher.UsbDriveMounted += (_, path) =>
                 Console.WriteLine("Mounted:" + Environment.NewLine + path + Environment.NewLine);
                 foreach (string entry in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path))

Constructor parameters:

UsbEventWatcher(bool startImmediately = true, bool includeTTY = false)
  • Set startImmediately to false if you don't want to start immediately.
    Then call the Start(bool includeTTY = false) method.
  • Set includeTTY to true if you want to monitor the TTY subsystem in Linux (besides the USB subsystem).


Usb.Events.Example demonstrates how to use Windows SetupAPI.dll functions SetupDiGetClassDevs, SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo and SetupDiGetDeviceProperty together with DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc, DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc and DEVPKEY_Device_FriendlyName to get "Device description", "Bus reported device description" and "Friendly name" of the Usb.Events.UsbDevice reported by the Usb.Events.IUsbEventWatcher.UsbDeviceAdded event.


  • Automatically mount USB drive on UsbDeviceAdded event in Linux
  • Automatically mount USB drive on UsbDeviceAdded event in macOS

Version history:

    • Added bool startImmediately = true to UsbEventWatcher constructor
    • Added void Start(bool includeTTY = false) to IUsbEventWatcher
    • Added bool includeTTY = false to UsbEventWatcher constructor
    • Fixed a EnumerateDevices bug in Linux - thanks to @d79ima
    • Fixed a false "device added" events bug in Linux - thanks to @d79ima
    • Fixed a NullReferenceException in Linux and macOS - by @thomOrbelius
    • Fixed a bug in Windows where MountedDirectoryPath wasn't set for a disk drive - thanks to @cksoft0807
    • Fixed a memory leak in Linux function GetLinuxMountPoint - by @maskimthedog
    • Fixed a bug in Linux where after instantiating UsbEventWatcher, the list of devices was empty - by @maskimthedog
    • Added monitoring of TTY subsystem in Linux - by @maskimthedog
    • Fixed a bug in Linux where monitoring would stop upon error - by @maskimthedog
    • Fixed a bug
    • Added:
      • MountedDirectoryPath
      • IsMounted
      • IsEjected
    • Breaking changes:
      • DevicePath renamed to DeviceSystemPath
      • UsbDriveInserted renamed to UsbDriveMounted
      • UsbDriveRemoved renamed to UsbDriveEjected
      • UsbDeviceInserted renamed to UsbDeviceAdded
    • Fixed a bug
    • Events for all USB devices
    • Fixed a bug
    • Events for USB drives and USB storage devices