
Collects data, trains, serves and distributes your Tensorflow models via REST API.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hivemind turns your Tensorflow project into an API

Collects data, trains, serves and distributes your Tensorflow models via REST API.

STATUS alpha; implementing swagger schema : https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/kyr7/hivemind/0.0.1


  1. tested on ubuntu 18. CPU training should also run on Windows and Mac OS.
  2. install docker https://www.docker.com/
    • install nvidia docker runtime https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker
    • recommended to docker pull :
      • tensorflow/serving:latest
      • kyr7/emg-nn:nvidia OR kyr7/emg-nn:cpu if you set up CPU training
      • if you don't pull these images manually, they will have to be pulled before learning automatically, which is rather slow a.t.m.
  3. choose your profile from list
  4. if you want training model other than cpu-based then set system property profile or env variable HIVEMIND_PROFILE with desired one
  5. docker client must be set up to work without sudo https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/
  6. see examples folder for API reference.
  7. execute ./gradlew run to start


Apache License 2.0