In the project root folder use the command:
dotnet run
By default, it will run on locahost:5000, to change the ip/port:
dotnet run --urls "http://ip:port"
You can also edit & use Start.bat, it will bind to all interfaces and listen on port 27015
You will most likely have to setup port-forwarding if you want the web bridge to be accessed remotely.
Ctrl+C to exit.
I realize that this might be important to outline:
Using this web bridge requires revealing your computer's public IP to the program that will interface with it.
I made this program to control toys from "Second Life" scripts which effectively act as a 3rd party "anonymity buffer", this solution is acceptable for me, but might not be for you, please be safe.
- You can set a SecretKey in appsettings.json.
- If no SecretKey is set, a temporary key will be generated (and displayed in the console window).
- To connect to the Web bridge, apps have to supply a header parameter named "SecretKey" with the proper value.
Each toy type can have a custom configuration in the ToySettings section of appsettings.json.
- (Optional) CommandDelay: By default, the maximum command rate is 50ms. You can set a longer value for a specific toy here.
- (Optional) PowerFactor: By default, You can limit the actual power range of a toy here, if 100% is too strong.
- (Optional) VisibleName: The toy will be identified under this name rather than the device name (useful for privacy).
Using multiple identical devices is supported and duplicates will show as "Devicename 2" , "Devicename 3" and so on. There is currently no way to uniquely identify each device under the ButtPlug API, so they are registered on a first come, first served basis.
Examples use localhost:5000 as the Toy Web Bridge address and "Lovense Hush" as the device.
The device APIs have general structure of /api/Device/{Action}/{Devicename}/{argument}
and is defined in Controllers/DevicesController.cs
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/List
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/Info/Lovense%20Hush
Currently returns supported features for the queried device
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/VibrateCmd/Lovense%20Hush/0
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/VibrateCmd/Lovense%20Hush/50
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/VibrateCmd/Lovense%20Hush/100
Note: You have to set the speed of all vibrators at once, the number of supplied values MUST match VibrateCmd Feature.
Example for VibrateCmd = 1:
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SingleMotorVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Hush/0
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SingleMotorVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Hush/50
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SingleMotorVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Hush/100
Example for VibrateCmd = 2:
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SingleMotorVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Edge/0,100
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SingleMotorVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Edge/50,50
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SingleMotorVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Edge/100,0
Devices that support VibrateCmd can play vibration sequences with "SequenceVibrateCmd". Unlike the other commands, this one requires to use a JSON encoded POST query.
- A "Time" list indicates how long each sequence step takes.
- You can control each motor independently, if only only one motor instruction list is sent, it is assumed that you want all motors to be controlled at the same time.
- For devices with more than 2 independent motors (is there any?), ommited entries are treated as 0.
POST http://localhost:5000/api/Device/SequenceVibrateCmd/Lovense%20Edge
Payload example (single/all motors): ( raw/JSON )
Payload example (two independent motors): ( raw/JSON )
- If "Loop" is true, the pattern will repeat until a new instruction is received.
- When a sequence ends, the motors will keep running at the last "Speed" value.
- Missing "Speed"values will be considered 0, "Time" determinates the sequence length.
GET http://localhost:5000/api/Device/StopDeviceCmd/Lovense%20Hush
Errors are indicated with HTTP response status codes.
The command/query has been executed successfully.
The requested device doesn't support this function.
Access denied, make sure that you supplied a valid access key.
The requested device doesn't exist (or the URL is invalid).
Toy Web Bridge is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0