Stream any RTSP stream and output to websocket for consumption by jsmpeg ( HTML5 streaming video! Requires ffmpeg.
- 9
- 1
How to use h264_nvenc in ffmpegOptions
#78 opened by DucThanh1997 - 0
Multiple Rtsp stream input and multiple Output for CLient over HLS/RMTP etc
#91 opened by HaroonRehman - 2
Connection timed out后无法重连
#79 opened by xiaodu33603 - 3
Disconnected camera
#84 opened by NasserAlmanji - 2
Some RTSP URL not working
#85 opened by uk2nk - 2
CORS policy
#89 opened by YasharSL - 3
Missed Packets
#43 opened by chakya - 5
wss not working
#48 opened by NatanGuardicore - 0
Support for authentication
#88 opened by aitoncumbi - 0
#87 opened by enddyrama - 0
How to stream from USB Camera
#86 opened by KONAPAVANKUMAR - 9
How to use node-rtsp-stream with https connections? Since this package uses websockets internally, where do we mention configutations for "wss"?
#37 opened by xabberd - 5
UDP timeout, retrying with TCP
#69 opened by ShinichiroMike - 3
How to stream multiple rtsp in the same port
#56 opened by spksoft - 0
can the stream created by server be closed?
#82 opened by GuchaoGit - 3
#67 opened by SashaRevizov - 3
Electron application without FFMpeg
#77 opened by erikmartinjordan - 1
adressable streams
#76 opened by maddanio - 3
Restart Stream If RTSP back online
#44 opened by qahtansaid - 3
-rtsp_transport tcp need to put before '-i'
#53 opened by dmwhw - 2
Fixed Video Dimensions
#73 opened by Ashwin-Ramesh2607 - 2
Any way to get audio with this
#65 opened by EverlyScott - 0
#72 opened by shuaiutopia - 1
#71 opened by shuaiutopia - 1
Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:1
#68 opened by xeriom23823 - 1
View 9 cameras on page web simultaneously
#66 opened by rmsaitam - 2
you should add some ffmpeg's params like this
#64 opened by kingyazh - 3
Deploy on Heroku
#63 opened by lxtrungg - 2
How to detect if video is already streaming?
#61 opened by pixotri - 2
Creating Dockerfile for project
#57 opened by yumna4 - 3
"startMpeg1Stream is not a function" error
#52 opened by joeyskeys - 1
JSMpeg player not showing
#51 opened by xwOOtx - 1
Possible to get it off localhost?
#58 opened by mmeyers-solartech - 1
Resize rtsp streaming on client side
#60 opened by sallo1723 - 8
blurry video stream
#39 opened by akashhnag - 1
New request for native WSS support
#59 opened by mmeyers-solartech - 1
- 2
websocket connection error
#49 opened by xwOOtx - 1
NPM version v0.0.8
#47 opened by eeertekin - 3
error when hosting on microsoft azure
#46 opened by xwOOtx - 2
- 7
Error: spawn ffmpeg ENOENT
#28 opened by anllyksell - 1
Add option for wsHost
#34 opened by saarmornel - 1
ReferenceError: i is not defined
#35 opened by l364cyv1 - 2
- 1
Passing ffmpegOptions
#36 opened by cdian - 4
No image and warnings
#30 opened by msj-fr - 1
Getting Installation error
#29 opened by waleedmazhar - 3