
An app which displays art objects using Rijks API

Primary LanguageKotlin


Build Release

Displays an infinite list of art objects and shows additional details when clicked. Supports searching.

list detail screens

Using the app

To see actual data from API you'll need an API key, which can be defined in local.properties like:


Note: By swapping the default API gateway implementation with FakeRijksGateway using dependency injection, you can use in-memory data instead of querying the actual API. This way you won't need to get an API key.

Layering and modularization

MVVM with presentation-domain-data layering. Organized into multiple gradle modules for more flexibility and better separation of concerns.

gradle modules

  • :app
    • Application class
    • MainActivity
    • Unit test for dependency injection declarations
    • Test Application class for Instrumentation tests
  • :feature:collection
    • Collection list Fragment, Adapter, and ViewModel
    • Collection detail Fragment and ViewModel
    • Unit tests for the ViewModels
  • :core:ui - Common extensions and a reusable view, which feature modules can tap into
  • :core:domain
    • Domain entities and value objects
    • Repository interface
    • Use cases
    • Unit tests for the use cases, along with fake implementations of the domain entities and the repository to enable testing the module independently
  • :core:data
    • API gateway interface
    • Default implementation of the repository
    • Unit tests for the repository, along with a fake implementation of the gateway to enable testing the module independently
  • :core:network
    • API models
    • Default implementation of the API gateway
    • Unit tests for the api gateway
  • :core:di - Glues domain and data layer modules
  • :build-logic - Reusable gradle precompiled script plugins


  • Kotlin, coroutines for asynchronous operations and flow for observable data streams
  • Koin for dependency injection
  • Ktor and kotlinx-serialization for networking
  • JUnit5 for unit testing
  • Androidx lifecycle and navigation components