
Quickly insert templates into file

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Async insert templates into file.


-- with lazy.nvim

{'glepnir/template.nvim', cmd = {'Template','TemProject'}, config = function()
        -- config in there

-- lazy load you can use cmd or ft. if you are using cmd to lazyload when you edit the template file
-- you may see some diagnostics in template file. use ft to lazy load the diagnostic not display
-- when you edit the template file.


    temp_dir -- template directory
    author   -- your name
    email    -- email address
    project  -- template project generates

Template project example

   project = {
      ['test'] = {
         ['lang'] = {
           ['cpp'] = {
             ['Tests'] = {
      ['other'] =
        ['default'] =
        ['lang'] =
            ['lua'] =
            ['cpp'] =
            ['python'] =
  • TemProject cpp will generates project for you.
├── .clang-format
├── .gitignore
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.md
├── Tests
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
└── main.cpp

Basic Usage

Template Grammar

  • {{_date_}} insert current date

  • {{_cursor_}} set cursor here

  • {{_file_name_}} current file name

  • {{_author_}} author info

  • {{_email_}} email adrress

  • {{_variable_}} variable name

  • {{_upper_file_}} all-caps file name

  • {{_lua:vim.fn.expand(%:.:r)_}} set by lua script

Define your template

You need config the temp_dir first like temp.temp_dir = '~/.config/nvim/template then create the

a template named main_owner.go for go language in the temp_dir

// Copyright {{_date_}} {{_author_}}. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package {{_file_name_}}

func main() {

You can use lua script to make template with {{_lua:}}. For example

created: {{_lua:os.date("%y/%m/%d %H/%M")_}}

above template generates bellow lines.

created: 2022/12/29 21:52
  • Work with exist file

if there has a file main.go, and open it input Template <Tab> . select the template main_owner

It will insert template to this file like

// Copyright 2022-07-05 21:05:36 glephunter. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

func main() {
 | -- cursor in there
  • Work with not exist file

use Template test.go <TAB>, it will create a file named test.go in current path and auto open this file insert template.

  • Work with not exist file and custom variable

a lua template file named nvim_temp.lua, content is

local api,fn = vim.api,vim.fn
local {{_variable_}}


return {{_variable_}}

use Template test.lua <TAB> then it will auto fill template name nvim_temp if there only has one lua template file. if there has _variable_ set then it will pop up an input then input your variable name.

local api,fn = vim.api,vim.fn
local template

| -- cursor here

return template
  • Config a fancy keymap
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>t', function()
    return ':Template '
end, { remap = true})
  • Find all templates

template.nvim use telescope. so you need register template telescope extension to telescope

  • Use Telescope to create template or insert template
-- This command will create a template file then show all templates
Telescope find_template name=templatename

-- when you select a template file it will insert this tempalte into current buffer
Telecope find_template type=insert

-- in both cases you can disable filtering templates by file type by passing `filter_ft=false`
Telecope find_template type=insert filter_ft=false

Then you can use Telescope find_template to check all templates


If you'd like to support my work financially, buy me a drink through paypal

Licenese MIT