
Primary LanguageTypeScript

This will eventually be some kind of wiki slash CMS because why not.

Design goals

  • WYSIWYG editing: ideally you should be able to click edit and the only difference is that now you have a cursor and toolbar.

  • No mandatory JS for read-only access.

  • Single-sign-on: get authentication including group membership from an external service rather than make everyone remember yet another username and password and admins keep yet another role table up to date.

  • Be able to hold at least some binary files (images, mainly).


Some of these might creep back in in the future.

  • Be a conventional static site generator that works from an easy-to-edit directory tree with YAML front matter and the like. Previous attempts at this project failed partly because of the complexity of the on-disk layout involved.

  • Have fancy stuff with templates and scripts like Mediawiki does. This was the other main reason previous attempts failed. While undoubtedly useful, they really need a lot of special handling.

  • Support really big files (more than a few megabytes). Those should be put either on a generic host with good support for huge files, or one specialised for the handling a particular kind of content needs (re-encoding/muxing video for DASH compatibility, generating tile pyramids for huge images, etc).


See also notes/ for stream of consciousness rambling.