These scripts help you generate BIDS dataset on your DICOM. Please follow the instructions below.
Required software packages
These scripts need the following software packages.
- dcm2niix
- dcm2niix is included in MRIcroGL
- Add the path to dcm2niix
- pydicom
pip3 install pydicom
orconda install pydicom
based on your preference
- heudiconv
pip3 install heudiconv
- dcm2niix
You have an option to use Docker. In this case, when you run the batch, please use batch_heudiconv{1,2} (preparing, not available yet).
0. Clone this repository and add this repository to the path
Run the following command to clone the repository
git clone cd batch-heudiconv ./
Close the terminal and re-run the terminal.
1. Prepare direcotries
Prepare a directory (we call it "parent directory")
Cd to the parent directory
Run ""
This script makes workingDir/DICOM/original and copy sample and subjlist*.txt from the repository
2. Store DICOM directories under DICOM/original
- Place your DICOM directories under DICOM/original. The direcoty name should be (research) ID of your participants.
3. Run DICOM sorting scripts
- Run "" from parentdir/workingDir
- This script sorts DICOM files to sorted/ID/{series_number}_{series_description}
4. Prepare a subject list
- Analyze your participants ID.
case 1: id0001_02 where "id0001" is subject ID and "02" is the number of sessions
- In this case, make copies of "subjlist_sample_sessions.txt" and save as "subjects.txt"
- Edit the subjects.txt and change subject_ID and sessions
case 2: id0001 where "id0001" is subject ID and you don't have number of sessions in the directory
- In this case, make copies of "subjlist_sample_without_session.txt" and save as "subjects.txt"
5. Prepare a
- Cd to code where you see samples of
- The easist way is to make a copy of and edit the file
6. Run
If participant's ID includes session number, the command would be code/<your> <subjects.txt>
If participant's ID doesn't include session number, the command would be code/<your> <subjects.txt>
7. Check the directories
BIDS would be saved under workingDir/Nifti
Before you run the scripts using heudiconv, sort DICOM using
Set path to this directory so that you can run the script.
Please save your dicoms under
. -
Run the following command.
cd path_to_DICOM/original dcm_sort_dir subjectid
sorted DICOMs will be saved in
2. Prepare subjlist.txt
- copy subjlist.sample.txt as subjlist.txt.
cp subjlist.sample.txt subjlist.txt
- You need to describe three items; directory, subject_ID, and session.
- directory: directory should include sujbect_ID. The simple one is directory name = subject_ID. In this case, what you write here is simply {subject}. You can include session info. In that case, what you write would be {subject}_{session}.
- subject_ID: describe subject ID of your samples
- session: If your subjects undergo MRI several times, session would be useful. If subjects undergo MRI only once, just put 01 on the session
- The script reads the 7th line and below, so please do not delete the first 6 lines.
3. Prepare
- We prepare two types of One assumes you don't have filedmaps, and the other assumes you have filedmaps. If you have double echo fieldmaps, you need to be careful to handle magnitude file because that image has two TE within. If you just convert the image with dcm2niix, you will have two separate brain based on two different TEs.
3.1. Case 1. You don't have fieldmaps
- Please use in "code" directory.
cd code cp
- Please look at lines 19-56.
- Here you list keys for the images you want to convert.
- Based on the images you want to convert, please modify the lines.
- Make sure you have all elements in the line 56.
- Then please look at lines 88-131.
- Here you describe the condition to identify the specific sequence.
- If you have sorted your DICOMs beforehand with, your DICOM images are already sorted and the name of subdirectories include series description. So it would be easy to decide the series you want to convert.
- Please replace 'dir_name_for_[sequence]' with the series description of your images.
- Suppose your T1 images are stored in 'T1_MPR'. In this case, replace 'dir_name_for_T1' with 'T1_MPR'.
3.2 Case 2. You have double echo fieldmaps
Please use heuristic_template2*.py in "code" directory.
cd code cp cp
Please open
- look at lines 19-56 of
- Here you list keys for the images you want to convert.
- Based on the images you want to convert, please modify the lines.
- Make sure you have all elements in the line 56.
Then please look at lines 88-131 of
- Here you describe the condition to identify the specific sequence.
- If you have sorted your DICOMs beforehand with, your DICOM images are already sorted and the name of subdirectories include series description. So it would be easy to decide the series you want to convert.
- Please replace 'dir_name_for_[sequence]' with the series description of your images.
- Suppose your T1 images are stored in 'T1_MPR'. In this case, replace 'dir_name_for_T1' with 'T1_MPR'.
After looking through Please open
- look at line 24 of
- Please confirm the key is right (basically you don't have to anything).
Then please look at lines 67-87.
- replace 'dir_name_for_fieldmap_magnitude' with the series description of your images.
4.1. Case 1. You don't have fieldmaps
- Please run the subjlist.txt
- This will generate BIDS structure for you. Now you are ready to check your BIDS with BIDS_validator.
4.2. Case 2. You have double echo fieldmaps
Please run the with subjlist.txt
- This will generate BIDS structure except for magnitude image.
Then run the with subjlist.txt
- This will generate BIDS structure for magnitude image.
Now you are ready to check your BIDS with BIDS_validator.